The success of any nonprofit is based on its ability to demonstrate positive impact toward its mission and the completion of strategy. We have partnered with organizations throughout the country to design innovative and game changing nonprofit strategy. We welcome the opportunity to support your organization in achieving your goals and ensuring a stronger future.
Health and
Human Services
Challenges in financial, human, and technology resources is putting additional strains on human service nonprofits during a time when the demand for their services is increasing. For a nonprofit that is planning for future viability this means understanding these challenges and designing their strategy accordingly. To increase the probability of sustainability and success, leaders must take on the challenge of navigating through the unknown. This begins with acting intentionally and developing strategy to move the organization forward through the current environment.
Responding to Shifts in Funding Sources
Revenue loss, increased expenses, and lack of funding due to unforeseen circumstances is a challenge that many nonprofits are facing today. As a result, leaders are having to make difficult decisions that will change their organizations and have far-reaching impact.
We work with leaders to design nonprofit strategic initiatives that offer viable ways to scale for sustainability, diversify revenue, invest in technology resources, and improve the overall outcomes and experience of those being served.
There is ample opportunity amongst the current nonprofit disruptions, but it can only be seized when leaders make the decision to drive forward toward the future.
Aligning Organizational Structure with Strategic Initiatives
Structure follows strategy and it’s time to create more carefully designed nonprofits that effectively deliver services, operate efficiently, and have positive workforce morale. By first establishing higher levels of order and organization, you form a solid foundation and infrastructure that is prepared to support significant growth.
Our nonprofit consultants work with clients to align organizational structure in a manner that reduces cost, drives growth, and improves performance. Focus is placed on building higher levels of order and organization, which goes far beyond the standard. We identify the core process of an organization, department, or area of focus; and review each part to the whole. By breaking the process up into more simplistic pieces we are able to clearly identify capacity, volume, financial, and flow problems.
Having a detailed plan and specific approach for aligning structure to strategy is a major factor in successfully restructuring and positioning your organization for success.
Higher Education
We recognize and understand that Higher Education Institutions are facing unparalleled challenges in today’s shifting landscape. Enrollment declines, evolving student populations, public-private partnerships, and changing workforce requirements and demands are all impacting how Institutions are going to market and what they offer consumers. While these changes have already had a wide-spread effect on every college and university department, Institutions are now being held accountable for meeting key metrics under newly established evaluation criteria. As a result, boards, leadership, and operations must react and evolve now.
Enhancing the Operational Model
Oftentimes, colleges and universities roll out new strategic plans in order to be competitive but neglect a similar analysis on infrastructure, process, and staffing models. We believe that the alignment of the processes and a staffing model designed to support new strategy are critical to implementation success.
We work to design organizations that bridge strategy to structure, enhance collaboration, build accountability, and improve clarity of purpose and performance. This cost saving approach is structured in three distinct phases—Assessment, Structure Design, and Change Management—to systematically design the most optimal structure for an Institution’s future.
Developing a New Strategic Model
We reshape the way organizations build strategic plans by focusing on transformative solutions, innovative concepts, and methods of differentiating operations. Our nonprofit strategic planning model and process serves as a foundation for organizations when navigating through significant change and creating new models of value. We work alongside key stakeholders to evaluate strategic markets, external factors, and internal barriers to create a collaborative and focused plan for leaders to utilize as the roadmap for relevance and sustainability.
Globalization, technology advancements, and an evolving workforce have all impacted the manner in which associations demonstrate the value they add to both members and vendors. In order to remain relevant in this changing environment, associations must re-examine both current industry needs as well as service delivery.
Defining the New Value Proposition and Strategy
Impactful strategy design is an integral part of any Association’s viability. In order to remain relevant, association strategy design must addresses the current state of member need, develops vendor value, and addresses and satisfies all stakeholders. We guide our clients in leveraging the value and expertise they have and determining the expertise they need to remain viable Impactful strategy incorporates your Associations mission, vision, and values, and articulates the value you add to both members and vendors align strategy design with innovation when developing business models and supporting new initiatives that reflect the value and expertise they have and the expertise they need to remain viable.
Defining the Organization of the future
Strategy development is critical for creating the foundation of the future. But equally important is having the right organizational structure in order to execute on the strategy. Trade associations often work in a matrix environment and having the right staff structure and focus is critical to successful plan implementation. During the planning process, Curtis Strategy’s team of consultants will work with you to evaluate and define the most optimal structure to support member organizations.
We Are Here For You
Whether you have a specific project in mind, want to learn more about our services, or how we support organizations with establishing the frameworks for sustained success- we are ready to talk.