The Secret to a Successful Nonprofit Merger

The Secret to a Successful Nonprofit Merger

In recent years there has been a massive upswing in the number of nonprofit mergers and affiliations throughout the country. As a nonprofit consulting firm that has facilitated a number of merger transactions for our clients, we have seen firsthand the factors that contribute to deal success. A nonprofit merger or affiliation (M&A) is weighted heavily on the relationships that exist between two organizations. Meaning, the currency of a nonprofit deal is the relationship that exists between the two organizations, which means the progress of the deal will move at the speed of trust.

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5 Reasons to Start Strategic Planning Today

5 Reasons to Start Strategic Planning Today

With 2023 quickly approaching, many purpose-driven organizations may be thinking about designing new strategic plans to help ensure long-term sustainability and viability.

Whether you operate in health and human services, higher education, credit unions, or associations, our strategic planning consultants have 5 reasons for you to start strategic planning today.

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Leading Through Times of Organizational Change

Leading Through Times of Organizational Change

Change involves going from the current way of doing things to a desired future state. Throughout the change process it is the organization’s leaders—the sponsors of change—who play the most critical role in determining the success of the effort. It’s easy to lead when all goes according to plan. However, organizations typically experience challenges with implementation. While these challenges can be temporarily uncomfortable, organizational leaders should not let that deter them. Instead they need to embrace change and view it as part of their role. Organizational leaders need to be adaptable by being able to detect and respond to change. That begins by embedding change and innovative thinking into the organization’s culture.

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4 Steps for Taking On Technology Today!

4 Steps for Taking On Technology Today!

Complexity is a word that today's nonprofits are all too familiar with and the manner in which leaders address it can mean the difference between success and failure.

What is making the difference for many leaders and giving them the competitive edge, is the understanding, adoption, and implementation of improved and scalable technology solutions.

However, the adoption of new technology and digitalization can be a culture shift for many nonprofit organizations. The multitude of options, new terminology, and projected costs can - at times - make it feel as though it would be easier to maintain the status quo. For new systems to be successful, it requires an organization-wide commitment to learning, exploration, and buy-in. This begins with senior leadership making a commitment to the change.

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Is who you are today, who you need to be for the future? Part 2: Talent

Is who you are today, who you need to be for the future? Part 2: Talent

Critical to organizational alignment is having the talent & requisite skills needed to drive change. If you have the ideal nonprofit strategic plan & vision for the future, do you have the capabilities, structure, talent, systems, and processes to achieve those outcomes? Capabilities and talent will determine if your organization will be able to advance to the next level of growth and achievement.

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The Top 3 Trends Leaders are Chasing

The Top 3 Trends Leaders are Chasing

During the past year we have been pushed into adopting technologies and digitalizing organizations faster than most thought was possible. But beyond the scramble into a more digital world, comes a level of disruption caused by the evolution of business models. The leaders and organizations that are experiencing success are capitalizing on market trends and disruption, focusing on three areas.

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