Merger Messaging: A Strategic Approach to Communications Planning for Nonprofit Mergers

Merger Messaging: A Strategic Approach to Communications Planning for Nonprofit Mergers

Nonprofit mergers in health and human services, associations, credit unions, and many other sectors can be complex and challenging, but they can also present significant opportunities for organizations to amplify their impact, enhance their efficiency, and serve their communities more effectively. However, for a merger to be successful, it is essential to have a strong communications plan in place. We have the steps you need to develop and implement a strong communications plan, to ensure that all stakeholders are informed about the merger, that any concerns are addressed, and that excitement and momentum are built for the new organization.

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4 Steps for Taking On Technology Today!

4 Steps for Taking On Technology Today!

Complexity is a word that today's nonprofits are all too familiar with and the manner in which leaders address it can mean the difference between success and failure.

What is making the difference for many leaders and giving them the competitive edge, is the understanding, adoption, and implementation of improved and scalable technology solutions.

However, the adoption of new technology and digitalization can be a culture shift for many nonprofit organizations. The multitude of options, new terminology, and projected costs can - at times - make it feel as though it would be easier to maintain the status quo. For new systems to be successful, it requires an organization-wide commitment to learning, exploration, and buy-in. This begins with senior leadership making a commitment to the change.

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Clarity, Capacity, or Capability? 3 Methods for Improving Team Performance Today

Clarity, Capacity, or Capability? 3 Methods for Improving Team Performance Today

As a nonprofit organization implements new strategy or experiences growth, there are oftentimes roles within that organization that require new skills and capabilities, and deeper levels of understanding by management. Whether it be the ability to manage more complexity, learn new skills, increase the sphere of oversight, and/or operate with an increased level of strategic perspective, some team members embrace the challenge and exceed their perceived limitations while others may struggle to succeed in a new or expanded role.

Learn how to better structure the roles within your organization to support success or identify areas where change is necessary.

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New Nonprofit Partnership Opportunity! Blue Skies Ahead?

New Nonprofit Partnership Opportunity! Blue Skies Ahead?

Effective partnerships have always been critical to accelerating impact. On the other side, poor partnerships have drained significant resources, energy, and good will.

While many organizations focus on the legal aspects of forming partnerships, it is also critical to consider some of the softer issues necessary to identifying and developing effective relationships. Here are some of the issues and questions that you and your team should discuss before signing on the dotted line.

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Ten Steps to Reinvigorating a Partnership Gone Bad

Ten Steps to Reinvigorating a Partnership Gone Bad

Nonprofit partnerships are wonderful when they work as intended. Great partnerships can help amplify your story, augment your capacity, accelerate impact, and much more.

But what about when they do not go as planned? Even when both parties have done their due diligence before signing on the dotted line, there are times that partnerships require renegotiating or unplanned, early closure.

While it may feel easier to let a not-so-great partnership to slowly fade, it's actually better in the long run to lead with a professional, proactive approach to addressing issues in a constructive way.

Follow our ten steps for reinvigorating a nonprofit partnership and get back on track today!

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The Driving Forces Behind Nonprofit Mergers & Affiliations and Why Leaders Should Address Them

The Driving Forces Behind Nonprofit Mergers & Affiliations and Why Leaders Should Address Them

As organizations navigate the external forces and internal disruptors that are impacting and shaping each sector, we are seeing the pace of mergers and affiliations (M&A) accelerating with no signs of slowing. 

While some organizations are being forced to consider M&A as a strategy for survival, others are embracing it as an opportunity to better serve their clients, build upon the beneficial work they are already doing, expand their reach geographically, and offer more to their employees.

Most nonprofit leaders today are aware of the forces driving mergers and affiliations, but any decision on what force or forces to address can’t be made without understanding how the organization(s) may benefit.

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Realign or Redesign: The Nonprofit Response to Disruptors

Realign or Redesign: The Nonprofit Response to Disruptors

In order to remain relevant in the rapidly changing environment, nonprofits must face the current disruption, reassess their strategy, and decide on a path forward. Some disruptors may require just a heightened awareness while others may require a pivot in strategy.

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Is who you are today, who you need to be for the future? Part 2: Talent

Is who you are today, who you need to be for the future? Part 2: Talent

Critical to organizational alignment is having the talent & requisite skills needed to drive change. If you have the ideal nonprofit strategic plan & vision for the future, do you have the capabilities, structure, talent, systems, and processes to achieve those outcomes? Capabilities and talent will determine if your organization will be able to advance to the next level of growth and achievement.

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The Top 3 Trends Leaders are Chasing

The Top 3 Trends Leaders are Chasing

During the past year we have been pushed into adopting technologies and digitalizing organizations faster than most thought was possible. But beyond the scramble into a more digital world, comes a level of disruption caused by the evolution of business models. The leaders and organizations that are experiencing success are capitalizing on market trends and disruption, focusing on three areas.

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